Zero Risk Simple Way To Have Defense Anti Inflammatory Recipes .

By Whitby Wruck

Inflammation is a condition when a body reacts to any infection, injury or irritation, environmental changes or malignancy. Due to inflammation swelling, pain, redness or change in color of the skin is felt. But sometimes some internal inflammation can result giving rise to fever and other discomforts.

Your first step is to begin adding non-starchy vegetables to your meals in large quantities. Since 4 cups of green leafy vegetables such as spinach only contain around 30 calories, gaining unhealthy weight from these sources is not an issue! The only vegetables to be generally avoided are starchy tubers, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yams, as these are high glycemic foods that can cause large spikes in blood sugar.

However, if you are an athlete training for an event or simply engaging in regular heavy exercise, then these foods can be added to enhance your performance.

Turmeric is one of the common anti inflammatory herb that is widely used in Asian recipes in good amounts. It helps in reducing swelling, pain in arthritis, tendonitis, sprains and other autoimmune disorders. So addition of extra turmeric in curries is beneficial in the long run! But this treatment is time consuming and it may test one's patience. Ginger is another herb which is popular for its anti inflammatory properties and is used liberally in most Asian dishes. Taking ginger tea regularly in the morning relieves a lot of inflammation.

Grains and starches are simply long chains of glucose held together by carbon bonds. As a result, they break down very quickly and rapidly enter the blood, causing spikes in blood sugar and insulin.

The anti-inflammatory diet isn't really a diet; it's more of an eating plan. And if you do a little research, you'll find that there's not just one anti-inflammatory diet; there are several, each with a different spin.

Devil's claw works well in arthritis both in reducing inflammation and pain.

If a high glycemic food, such as a banana is consumed with a low glycemic food such as a chicken breast, the effect on insulin levels will be much less drastic than if the banana was eaten alone.

Now you can see why eating a potato or piece of bread, which are 100 percent glucose, causes a greater insulin spike than pure table sugar, which is half glucose and half fructose.

St John's wort herb though used to treat depression has also some anti- inflammatory properties.

This is very important because some foods have a very high total glycemic index, but do not contain many calories, so their glycemic load is relatively low. For example, a bagel and a serving of watermelon both have a glycemic index of 72, while the glycemic load of the fruit is a mere 4 compared to 25 for the bagel! The higher the glycemic load of your diet, the more insulin your body is producing.

[Needless to say, this article is for informational purposes only. It is in no way meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any of the symptoms listed here or suspect you might have Leaky Gut Disease, consult your doctor.

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